Friday, August 15, 2014

houses and more

 Group 5 left for home on the 12th, except for Freeman, who stayed on as Construction Foreman.
Steps and a platform were built at each house for the meter reader.

We placed the water and sewer lines from the feeder to the house.
This was a busy week getting painting done and baseboard and all those little things that need doing.

Toby and Louis build some steps for an Elders home.
Albert welded an apron onto the back of the city dump truck.

Mary and Martha, one of the cooks sharing a moment.

Daisy sent us some fish.
Daisy came and picked up some of the guys to see and get some fish from her and Eric's drifting catch.
Sharing their big catch.

A big Salmon cleaning tonight by the Hostetler group, thanks to
Daisy and Eric.

Freeman is happy for his salmon that he is taking home.

Last night we were invited to a special potluck and Yupik Dance. The following are photos from the wonderful evening of food and dancing.

Today, Louis and Arthur are helping the city maintenance guys repair this big tire.

Today, Danny and Toby are working at the upcoming, expected to open soon, city restaurant.

The rest of the volunteers are working hard at getting the final touches on the houses in preparation for the dedications this afternoon.

We will soon be leaving this beautiful Alaskan sky.

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