Saturday, February 9, 2008

Back home again

Our trip to the south is over (for this year). We had a really good time with friends and also by ourselves. We got home on the first Saturday afternoon of February, right between snow storms. Iowa had snow on Saturday morning and then we really got hit hard by another snow storm on Sunday night (Super Bowl night). We had another storm on Tuesday, from 12 noon to Wednesday 3:00 PM. Our plans were to fly to Portland Oregon for the annual MDS meeting on Wednesday. Our 9 AM flight was canceled, then the rescheduled flight for 3 PM was canceled. There was nothing available for Thursday flights out of Cedar Rapids, after the cancellation of our 3 PM flight. Our MDS meeting would have almost been over by the time we got to Portland on Friday eve. Hence, we opted to stay home.

We are in Gassville, Arkansas, right now! Since we did not go to Portland - we were asked to go to the south and check out what Tornado damage was done on Tuesday evening. We left home on Friday morning and plan to be gone until Thursday the 16th. We will post some pictures of the area that was hit in the next blog.