Friday, July 4, 2014

Day 2 & 3

 It takes a lot of effort to get everything into the van and pickup every morning and evening.  We live two miles from the home builds and everything comes home at night.This morning the van had a flat tire - farmer, Wilbur was putting air in until it could be fixed.
 When we get to the project site, its a lot of unloading and setting up for work. Ricky is pulling one of the air compressors from the van into the work site.
 Yesterday, the crew got the ready for the floor decking, which will be put on today, even though it is the 4th of July.
 Another view of the 4 foot elevation above the ground.
 The construction foreman, Jim is going to check things out, for today's work. 
Wilbur and Margarita are getting ready to work.

It has been cool every day. We all wear sweat shirts and jackets and sometime parka's are added. We came last Friday , so we have been here, one week.  We have seen the sun two of those days.  It drizzles a lot but no hard rain.

The community is busy fishing, drying fish and then either freezing or canning. Daisy, one of our cooks, has been sharing some of her dried fish. YUM.  Today we are having fresh salmon for lunch.  We usually make our own sandwiches and take lunch to the project but since we have no place to get inside and mosquitoes are bad, everyone comes back home for lunch. 
Tonight we will be going with James, the city manager and his family to the Yukon for a hot dog roast to celebrate the 4th. Daisy, one of the cooks, loves making special cakes and she made one to celebrate the 4th.

Blessing and good day.

1 comment:

Mrs. DillyDally said...

I have really enjoyed your posts. Life is sure different in a village ... looks like your group is making good progress! Thanks for the updates!