Wednesday, July 16, 2014

 Group 1 and 2 in front of our home.
 Group 1 left Tuesday for their homes. Raven Air picked them up, only 1 hour and 10 minutes late.
 Monica and Francis's house is progressing.
 Walter and Amos continue the process of raising Cyp's house.
 Break time!  You can see the river from House #2.
 The walls are going up on #2.
 We found several abominable snowmen working for MDS.
 Sawing at house #1 by Dennis.
 Roof work by Dan.
 A typical shortcut(board walk).  This ones goes between our headquarters and the city office.
 All sewer and water lines are above ground in large insulated pipe.
 These three boys made some summer fun. They made little wooden boats and were pulling them around by a stick and string.  They did not want their pictures taken but I could take a picture of their boats.
 James Blowe, city manager and his wife came over to share thank yous for work done on the eve 
of leaving for the first group.
Mike, with FEMA ligistics, is helping at house #2.
We were invited to a Yupik dance as a thank you for our work here in the village of Alakanuk. More about this in a later post.


Mrs. DillyDally said...

Love your updates!

Emma said...

The little girl is adorable. The river view is lovely. I'm sure all the hard work is much appreciated!