Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday, January 18

This is the group that went to Bob Yoder's in Mesa yesterday. I told you incorrectly yesterday, that we were going to Apache Junction to see him. This house is in Mesa and he wants to sell it for 7 M. and has another house in A. J. , that he will move to, when he gets this one sold. Bob made clam chowder and corn bread - Yum!

In the picture, from left to right we have: Bob & Cheryl Miller, Phil & Dorothy Marner, Lorena &
Chuck Swantz, Bob Yoder and yours truly, Wilbur took the picture.

Time, has a way of slipping right past us. We are doing errands and washing, etc today in preparation for leaving tomorrow for Quartzite.

We ate at El Paso's this noon, one of Kent and Theresa's favorites when they lived here. We now know why they loved it. It is a very good Bar-B-Que Restaurant . Lorena Swantz invited the gang of winter birds from Iowa for Pizza tonight.

Wilbur and I are both getting a lot of reading done this winter. I am reading The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks and he is reading a book on two women in Afghanistan. He read the Kite Runner and then we went to see that movie. It was very good and touching.

I cut out blocks for a quilt but I am going to wait until I get home to piece it. Going to Harbor Freight... store this morning was to Wilbur what going to a fabric store is or me - wonder and glory!!

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